Wastewater Systems

RUSELBORU GRP Sewer Pipe Systems are highly resistant to corrosive substances and therefore ideal for piping municipal wastewater. RUSELBORU GRP Pipe Systems are widely utilized for sewers as well as bridge, road or tunneldrainage. Thanks to the material's high corrosion resistance, RUSELBORU Sewer Pipe Systems easily withstand the low pH-value of biogenic sulfuric acid, which is commonly found in wastewater systems.

Equipped with a high performance resin or special liner material, RUSELBORU GRP Sewer Systems provide an ideal solution even for particularly aggressive media in e.g. industrial applications.

Potable Water Systems

Water leaves the reservoir in a special potable water line. This is where RUSELBORU comes in with a wide selection of pipe diameters for various pressure classes. The very smooth inner pipe surface with an extremely low roughness coefficient minimizes pressure loss, ensures optimal flow ratesand thus helps save energy in pumped systems. A wide choice of standard and custom fittings, including tees, flanges, wyes, and bends round off the product range.

Retention Systems

RUSELBORU Sewer Overflows are supplied as modular systems manufactured to the planner's specifications and the requirements on the construction site. The individual units are quickly, easily and safely assembled to form a complete, permanently leak-tight structure without requiring any further finishing work.

The modular RUSELBORU Sewer Overflow System generally consists of the following units:

  • Inlet structure
  • Connecting pipes
  • Inspection manhole / GRP tangential manhole
  • Outlet structure / GRP manhole
  • Combined structures (distributing or combining structure)

Special Features

  • Modular system
  • Low roughness coefficient
  • Low weight
  • Short construction time / simple push-on connection
  • Long service life
  • Chemical resistance
  • Low maintenance
  • Expandability as required

Drainage Systems

Tunnel Drainage Systems

RUSELBORU CC-GRP Pipes have a high content of highly flame-retardantcomponents (e.g. glass fibers and mineral reinforcing materials such as aluminium hydroxide), which makes them perfect for tunnel applications. The design and realization of flame-retardant pipelines is subject to national regulations. 

A special liner resin creates a smooth and glossy pipe surface that improves the pipes’ hydraulic properties considerably and prevents incrustations with mineral deposits.

Bridge Drainage Systems

RUSELBORU GRP Pipes optimally suit the requirements for bridge drainage. Specifications are fulfilled thanks to centrifugal casting: The approved pipe design ensures strength, durability, harmonic appearance,quality and cost-effectiveness.


RUSELBORU BridgeLine Systems easily cope with bridge loads. Road salt, fuel, or oil residues do not affect the quality of the pipes. No additional corrosion protection on the in- or outside are necessary.

The outer pipe surface is UV-resistant. Additional protective measures are not required.

RUSELBORU GRP Pipes are non-metallic. There is no electrochemical corrosion. Stray currents from railway lines or overhead wires do not influence the pipe.

Irrigation Systems

Water usually has to travel far to its destination. The applied irrigation technology and high-quality equipment makes sure that the water reaches its destination safely.

There are various irrigation techniques that are differentiated by how the water is distributed. The aim is however always the same: to uniformly supply fields with water in order to maximize plant quality and crop yields. From the source the tapped water is transported through mainlines to the valves, the lateral lines and finally the sprinklers or emitters.

Choosing the right pipe products will prove its worth regarding cost-effectiveness: Service life-time, installation, maintenance, hydraulic properties, tightness of the system, etc. play a decisive role for profitability.