Performance standards

Standards developed by EN, ISO, AWWA, and ASTM cover a series of glass fiber reinforced pipe applications including conveyance of water, domestic wastewater and chemical substances. The common ground of all these standards is that all are performance-based. In other words, the performance tests required for the GRP pipe are defined in these standards. These standards include many quality control and performance tests.

This product standard is applicable for GRP pipes that have the diameter of 300 mm – 4000 mm, and that are used for water and wastewater conveyance applications. RUSELBORU GRP pipes meet the requirements of this standard.


  • EN 1796 for water supply with or without pressure
  • EN 14364 for drainage and sewerage with or without pressure


This product standard is applicable for GRP pipes that have the diameter range of 300 mm – 3000 mm, and used for water and wastewater conveyance applications. It includes efficiency testing and complete product testing for pipes and couplings. It includes pipes of various stiffness classifications up to an operating pressure of 32 bar. RUSELBORU GRP pipes meet the requirements of this standard.

  • ISO 10467 for pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage
  • ISO 10639 for pressure and non-pressure water supply
  • ISO 10465 for installation procedures


AWWA is one of the comprehensive standards applicable for glass fiber reinforced pipes.

Within this standard, there are comprehensive specifications focusing on quality control and performance tests for the pipes and their joints that are used in pressure water pipeline applications. RUSELBORU GRP pipes are designed to meet the performance

Design principles of GRP pipes installed underground and above ground are defined in the AWWA M45 standard. requirements of this standard.

  • AWWA C950 for fiberglass pressure pipes. Refers to clean water conveyance.
  • AWWA M45 guide for fiberglass pipe design


There are various ASTM product standards used for various glass fiber reinforced pipe applications.

  • ASTM D3262 for fiberglass sewer pipe. Refers to non-pressure wastewater conveyance.
  • ASTM D3517 for fiberglass pressure pipe. Refers to clean water conveyance.
  • ASTM D3754 for fiberglass sewer and industrial pressure pipe.